Tough choices
I used to wonder why parents spent so much time in supermarkets. Especially my dad. He loves to go to the supermarket, compare prices, buy stuff. Last week I spent over an hour in Coles. Well, not that I was that interested in what was for sale, but I had some groceries to buy to subsist me for lunch, so that was a few cans of Campbell's Chunky Soup.
Beef and onion. Bacon and potatos. Spicy meatballs. Mmmm, nice. Some instant noodles. Fifteen minutes gone, but that was the easy part. $14 on the tab.
Hmm. A $30 receipt gets me a 4ct-per-litre discount off petrol at Shell, and Mr. Vienta's 3 litre heart is fed by a 55 litre tank of dinosaur juice.
I begin looking for more stuff to buy to get it up to $30, and in went a 24-can carton of Pepsi at $9.99, and I'm still $6 off. Decisions decisions. The score's $24 now, and I'm not about to give up yet. $6 to go, I don't want to spend too much, and I don't want to buy what I don't need.
Red pill or blue pill, Mr Anderson? I've cleared $30 this time, but there'll be sequels.
It also means living pretty much on my own, housemates or not. The fun part is having a clean slate to start from, a more or less bare room from which I can make it my own. Getting plucked wholesale from one part of the world and plunked into another, with 60-odd kg worth of my belongings packed into two luggage bags and 2 carton boxes to start me off.
I had 45kg of luggage allowance - nothing short of a miracle that the counter staff let me through with overweight check-in and three instead of the one allowed carry-on luggage.
Home's now a Queenslander-style house in St. Lucia, Brisbane. It's exactly 80km away from my campus out at Gatton, but the drive is pleasant and smooth.
The thumbnails are clickable.
It even comes with a working chimney. Coming from the tropics, this really really fascinates me.
My room's the one with the ajar window on the extreme left.
Yes, I brought my bike along, and has a pride of place next to the fireplace which we never use.
My room after I rearranged the furniture for a more efficient layout. I like that there are three windows, nice and airy feeling.
For a kitchen manned by three guys, I think we keep it reasonably clean and grime free.
Back to my books, then. Lots of muses lately, but little time to blog about it all.