Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Super Wagolis

So the exhaust pipe that I had ordered months back finally cleared all the required inspections and approvals and got duly fitted onto my car. It hangs dangerously low due to an out-size tip, and now I do not dare to back my car up too far into a lot.

I wonder how long, before I forget, and scratch it up against a curb?

Still, it makes a deliciously racy noise, all strident and businesslike when I rev it. And so, I took the long way home today to get into a tunnel, wound all the windows down, just to dump it into third gear and rev it to 6000rpms just to hear the engine sing. The cars disappeared satisfyingly quickly in the rear view mirror, till a Harley Davidson joined me in the tunnel.

He was there to make himself heard, too, and there was no contest - when the motorbike was done, I almost forgot how my own car sounded like.

As the saying goes, there's always a higher mountain...... I guess I shall be contented with my cheerfully burbling Yaris.


At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

r32, my fren :) start bloggin soon again for the new year 2009.

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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