Tough choices
I used to wonder why parents spent so much time in supermarkets. Especially my dad. He loves to go to the supermarket, compare prices, buy stuff. Last week I spent over an hour in Coles. Well, not that I was that interested in what was for sale, but I had some groceries to buy to subsist me for lunch, so that was a few cans of Campbell's Chunky Soup.
Beef and onion. Bacon and potatos. Spicy meatballs. Mmmm, nice. Some instant noodles. Fifteen minutes gone, but that was the easy part. $14 on the tab.
Hmm. A $30 receipt gets me a 4ct-per-litre discount off petrol at Shell, and Mr. Vienta's 3 litre heart is fed by a 55 litre tank of dinosaur juice.
I begin looking for more stuff to buy to get it up to $30, and in went a 24-can carton of Pepsi at $9.99, and I'm still $6 off. Decisions decisions. The score's $24 now, and I'm not about to give up yet. $6 to go, I don't want to spend too much, and I don't want to buy what I don't need.
Red pill or blue pill, Mr Anderson? I've cleared $30 this time, but there'll be sequels.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
If you enjoy the trip, the destination isn't important
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