Wednesday, March 17, 2004

This is good stuff - so eloquently simple yet explains it fully

Yes I'm plagiarizing Reika's post in Wandie's site, but it's good stuff. I hope she does not come after me with various cooking utensils(she seems remarkably domesticated lately - good show Wandie!) when she lands in Singapore.

To All The Girls Out There

Guys’ Lives Don’t Revolve Around Girls
You mean guys don’t think about girls 24/7? Well, yes and no. Guys think about girls a lot! But even if a guy’s interested in a girl, he’ll still have a blast with his male friends. Guys don’t depend on relationships with girls for their identity or fulfillment. They find these in the things they do, such as sports, accomplishments and jobs, and especially from their male friends. During their teen years, guys place a very high value on the camaraderie of other guys. Which brings up another secret. . . .

Guys Like Breathing Room
Guys don’t appreciate it when a girl isolates a friend from them. One young man says, “There’s almost nothing that ticks off guys more than a girl who takes him away from his friends.” He adds that when a guy breaks up with a possessive girl, it can be difficult for him to be accepted in his circle of friends because he “dissed” them for her. As for the girl, the guys “red flag” her; they’ll remember her and keep their distance. A girl with a special interest in a guy would be wise not to occupy all of his time.


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