I just noticed all the photos I've posted so far are car-related. I'm going car crazy. Or am I already a car nut?
Just trying to redress the balance:

Give me a shout if you want a full sized version for a desktop wallpaper. Or something.
We stuffed them at basketball today. Played a game with a bunch of guys which we think are from Mass Comm course. By "we" I am referring to Richard, Ghim Yew and me. I reckon we gave it to them today, slapped them around a bit cos we actually started out playing 3 v 4 (they had an extra girl on their team) and They didn't score till we had 5 baskets already. Eventually we got a girl on our team too......and kept hitting them at a rate of 2 shots for every 1 they scored. But man, they're quick.
The best part is: they had the Air Jordan shoes, the North Carolina Air Jordan shorts, the Fila Kobe Bryant shoes, and we were playing in cargopants, jeans. Richard played barefoot till he got blisters. Yew played in his jogging shoes. You can look the part, but can you play the part? Had a decent shooting day today, punished them cos they didn't think my shots were worth blocking. Hah.
A website I check on, every now and then:
B L O W D O G D O T C O M Blogger-styled homepage, he owns a Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec, Bayside Blue, and has some really nice pictures.
This one used to be my desktop wallpaper till I got a newer computer and the large monitor distorted the picture......
Gaggle of Skylines(L-R): R33 GT-R, R34 GT-R, R32 GT-R. Simply smashing.
Got my grades today. I got 32/40, which makes it an A-grade. Am not totally happy though, because too many other people got the same grade. I expected better of myself, and I queried my lecturer to that end. His remarks were very true. I guess that's why lecturers (even part time ones) get paid so much. They can see things better. Oh well, I have
got to learn that last minute work doesn't pay.
Finally laid down the colours for my 1/10th scale car bodyshell. In a fetching shade of yellow. Sorta reminds you of the bright yellow taxi you see in the post below doesn't it? Sweet. Here's the before:
and after.

Got into quite a bit of a scrap with a classmate today, playing around with setsquares. Accidentally (I swear it) poked a sensitive place and proceeded to get manhandled around the classroom....... forgettable incident. Girls do scratch well though, I got a nice one on my shoulder blade. Stung like a bitch when I bathed. What was that saying about "bu da bu xiang shi", loosely translated, won't be friends till you have a fight.
I like waking up on a rainy and lazy morning. I like taking a bus ride in heavy rain. I hate walking in rain and getting my feet wet. How a situation is perceived, depends on where you're experiencing it from.
Rain or shine, near or far, when I need to get to school early in the morning, I have this to get me there:

Thanks, dad.
Slightly better day than the last. I ought to find some way to package rainy mornings on mornings people don't need to work, and sell it. I'd make a fortune. Nothing like waking up to the sky rumbling and the gentle hiss of rain, then turning over and drifting back to sleep. Definitely off the right side of bed today.
Big bouquets and kudos for Rachel...... waited for me in school while I shifted my lazy lardarse so that I could borrow her camera to take some pictures around the campus. By all rights she didn't have to; she hadn't anything to do already. She's been nice to me since she became Tjay's stead and even after they broke up. Maybe its because I never chose sides between the two of them. They never made me choose sides. She could've cut me off too (through association with Tjay) but she didn't. Things like that make me feel that its entirely possible for a guy and a gal to be great friends without being in a relationship.
Going to get my Landscape Design project back later. I wonder how I'd do? I hate to admit it but I am caught in the rat race to do what is required in order to get the grades. Especially in subjects that are purely judgemental. I'm constantly trying to stay on someone else's track instead of my own. Maybe its not such a bad thing. If and when I manage to get myself to being a professional in Landscape Architecture I'm pretty sure I'll
have to be focused on please other people rather than myself. After all, they're the ones dishing over the cash.......
I'm wondering what I should note for the past day. Factual comments are boring; everyone has his own daily life. Thoughts, well I am a Scorpio. I'm not
supposed to let others know what I'm really thinking. What does that leave me to fill in?
I'm out of inspiration today. My day wasn't inspiring. I wonder if I'll have anything noteworthy tomorrow; there is no school again.
I'm growing old. Yes, no doubt about it. I think the people who are reading this are snickering at the fact I'm that much older than them, but one day, you'll reach my age. See if you are still snickering.
I can't play basketball like I used to (back when I was a fiesty teen). The reflexes are slow, I avoid body contact, and I end each day with various aches and pain here and there. Better polish up on my shooting. Didn't really play well.
Had a gawk at Xan's SAT textbook today. Really telephone book dimensions (okay, business listings) with the smell to match. Gonna register and study for this SAT exam soon. I reckon it shouldn't be too hard. Oh well schoolwork isn't much to scream about anyway. Lots of practical stuff. Is it me, or does the project management and marketing modules seem too dead easy?
Rant: Why is it people want to knock me off when you seem to be doing well, sailing fine? Do you want to see a show? Can't stand that I can do things that you can't? Can't stand I earn my praise from lecturer? Lonely in your miserable little world and wish to drag me in? No guts to openly go against me hence backstab me at every given opportunity? Pretend to be my friend? I'm not stupid, I'm not dumb. You aren't my friend. If you aren't my friend, you don't matter to me. Not one bit. I guess I can't blame you for feeling that way then. You just aren't significant to me in my life, and I treat you so.
Rant off.
PS: Site screwed up again. Hah! I remembered to cut the text into my clipboard! Saved it all!
At 630am, I am awakened by the fact I have been feasted on by little winged blood-sucking beasts. Tried to ignore the various spots of itch; started to scratch. Finally got up and got some mosquito coil smouldering. Take that, you miserable little insects. Oh well at least I won't be late for school today. I can't go back to sleep...... and there is a common test later. A divine hint from The Guy Upstairs for me to hit my books? Hmmm.
I hate this website.
The idea is good but the reliability sucks. I spent 15 minutes typing out my thoughts and its gone in a blink. Not even pressing back on the browser helped to save my text. Zapped in a flash. I have got to learn to do my posts in notepad and cut/paste over.
A quick summary of what I'd written and what "could have been":
My computer. Yeah its finally healthy and strong (I got the RAM and CPU upgraded and its got a DVD drive now!). Plus its got a row of 6 little fans to ventilate the hard disks now.
Started work on a replica of Keisuke Takahashi's Initial-D FD3S Mazda RX-7. It doesn't have the exact anime bodykit, but its close enough. I had the same comment about my Takumi Fujiwara AE86 Trueno having a little extra spoiler:
Well its the closest I can get. You dogs in the manger can yap away at how inaccurate it is. YOU try to get your hands on an AE86 body, let alone an exact replica. For the uninformed these are 1/10th scale radio controlled model car bodyshells.......
And my pair of albino dwarf hamsters (my sis-in-law gave them to me after Dechu passed on) finally let me hold them. They still nibble my hand. I wonder when they'll realize my finger is not food. One has smooth fur the other has ruffled messy fur. De and Chu. They've inherited and shared the name.
I wonder if Dechu is having fun in that big hamster wheel in the sky?
Hadn't felt that tired in a long time. I slept not long after 1am, I think. It must be the ride I had today to Sentosa. I'm still trying to learn a wheelie.......
My bike is making an odd ticking noise every now and then. I'd better go find out what it is.
Spotted this thing in town today parked outside Ngee Ann City. It claims "only 1011" brake horsepower and has carbon fibre doors and bonnets. Probably no other thing on four wheels faster than it on this island right now. By way of explanation, its a drag racing car shipped in from Japan for promotional purposes. It was originally a Skyline GT-R but I reckon most of the original parts are long gone.
Played around with the title, links and added a picture of myself (self-taken may I add). Appropriate recognition for Jasmine introducing me to Blogger.
Fixed the time zone thing. It should read 4.52am or something.
Interesting day today. Amanda commented that I've changed a lot (since her YEP Thailand trip). The only reason I could find to explain that is that it coincided with my breakup with my girlfriend of nearly 3 years. Long time. Maybe they've gotten used to the me that's an attached guy. Am I different? I just feel more free. Free to do what I please. One less person to have to report to. It is a refreshing lack of responsibility.
"Men Behaving Badly". Sometimes I choose to be mischievious but it gets misconstrued as being mean and vindictive. Oh well feedback is always good. I wonder if it has anything to do with my rising sign. Its Gemini by the way, and by way of explanation it describes the person that you choose to present to the world (not necessarily your true inner self).
Interestingly enough the people who feed back to me about me are girls rather than guys. So much for petty girls and magnanimous guys. I'm beginning to think some guys can be more sarcastic, petty and indirect about their feelings than girls could ever be. If you don't like me, stand up and say it. Don't play shadow boxing with me. I don't go for that. You people know who you are. I wish you could see this page. I am not dumb, I just choose not to play your games.
You don't ask for respect; you earn it.
One of my life's principles. It greatly polarizes the people I come into contact with.
Take the bike club I'm trying to start. A first year student is trying to carry the show as if he could run things. He asks me for assistance, and tries to gloss over the fact I was the one who actually did the task, in front of the rest of the erstwhile club members. Stealing credit? Stealing respect? Perhaps its the natural suspicious streak that my starsign has. Anyway, I don't think there'll be a power struggle, per se. I'm graduation soon, then he can have the club to himself. I set myself the target of setting up this club, and that's the aim of it. There's no animity though. I get along fine with him. Just that part of his character that I have to be aware of.
Anyway I've been saddled with the task of improving the club proposal because I'm the one who did it in the first place. Have been dragging it out a bit, but I should really be getting to it soon.
The past few days have been pretty fun. I like driving, even if its a bit challenging at times.
Let's see if this one works.