UQ St. Lucia to UQ Gatton
Campus for me used to be an 80 kilometre drive, each way. In Singaporean context, 80 kilometres is further than driving from one end of the island to the other, but I did it anyway. I've often justified it by the fact that I liked living closer to the city (of Brisbane), as well as the fact that I lived with relatives. And with the savings I'd made off paying 'family rate' rentals, I managed to afford a budget car with which I had many trips and adventures. But that's for another time and another blog post.
The 80km trip from St. Lucia to Gatton usually took me an hour and ten minutes. On most trips, I'd be gearing up for class, or winding down from class, but subliminally I'd be watching my driving habits - I once managed an amazing 17km/litre (out of a 1989 carburetted car, something fuel-miser Jazz owners would be proud of) and trying to avoid roadkill. Along the way I'd have my handheld GPS propped on the dashboard, which gives me a rough situational awareness (of my speed, estimated time of arrival) and...... I'd be singing.
Yes, singing. I figured I'd have to spend about 3 hours in the car each day I was going to school that I'd better find some way to keep myself awake. I rigged up a tape adapter that fit up to my MP3 player so I'd always have my favourite tunes, and then I'd sing to it.
Now, with no one else in the car, it don't matter if I'm off-key or out of tune, I kept myself awake, I gave my lungs a good work out. Other people do it in the bath, I suppose I prefer to do it in the car, behind the wheel.
So most days, I sang my way to Gatton, and then back to Brisbane at the end of the day. Occasionally there was a traffic jam or two but I was happy in my Corolla Seca. Nowadays, I occasionally sing still, but only when the song's right. But invariably, there's someone else in the car with me, but it still don't matter that I'm off-key or out of tune. She said she's going to teach me to sing properly (I take it to mean that I sing horribly =P) and I'm still waiting for it.
The perfect situation? That I was back in Australia. That I am in my car, it don't even have to be my Yaris. But the company's important - she's got to have to be there with me. Enduring my singing, perhaps singing along with me, but enjoying being together. Me behind the wheel. Wide expanses of space, farmland, and wilderness.
That would be perfect. That is how I would want it to be. Her beside me. Us singing, and driving onward.