So I went out to Orchard Road today with the intention on doing some street photography - one end to another. As I stopped at a traffic light, I saw the pedestrians lined up across the road opposite Orchard Emerald, and the multicultural makeup struck me.
My wide-angle lens was on the camera, its zoom just a bit too short to frame it exactly right, but I decided I would crop it later, so it remained to just nail the shot. I initially wanted cars blurring the image, veiling the pedestrians somewhat, tried 5 or 6 shots (which didn't work well) till I got a motorcyclist come by that didn't blur the pedestrians as much as the car did.
What do you think?

hi leong welcome back to singapore, this is boon. how are you doing? the motorcycle passing looked too blur to me, almost like a phantom, haha, I was focusing on it instead of the people in the background.
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