Monday, June 06, 2005

If email boxes had physical limitations......

......mine would be chock full of junk mail. Being a fairly old email address (I would think by now it is around 7 to 8 years?) and being fed by two other email addresses, enough email address harvesting scripts have gotten it into their databases. Remember, in the past, there wasn't such a thing as spam mail. You posted your email address so that people could reply to you easily, and I didn't understand why people stuck NO-SPAM into the middle of their email addresses.

I do, now. I get about 200 junk mail a day, as classified by Yahoo's spam filter.

Its not such a bad thing, actually. I don't really have to go look at them if I don't want to. But Yahoo's spam filter is too aggressive - I had to rescue my airline travel itenerary from the spam box because of the way the logic filter is phrased. I have had to rescue uni correspondence out of there as well. And so, for fear of missing something important like that, I end up scanning the spam box anyway:

Cialis. Nigerian money laundering schemes. "Confirmation" of purchase email headers. Pre-approved platinum cards. Dating websites. Porn sites.

At least I don't have to look at their contents.


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