Monday, September 15, 2003

........., as surely as the sun will rise

And so once again (and all too soon) Night has fallen again, and the world is plunged into darkness.

I remember when I was 14 we had a solo-night exercise.

You got blindfolded, and dropped off in a piece of jungle all alone with nothing apart from your coat. Most significantly, no watches allowed so you could not tell the passage of Time.
You then had to sit tight where you were, and wait for morning.

Of course they'd prepped you with ghost stories all night at dinner before that, so that by the time you
went for this exercise, you were scared shitless.

So you spent the night trying to get thru it.

Some people played games with the stones they found there.

Others looked at the ground, afraid to look elsewhere for fear of seeing a ghost.
Others looked at the stars.
Other slept.
Others tried to sleep.

You could choose to do easy time (overcome your fears, and sleep), or hard time (scare yourself silly with
your imagination).

You could do anything in the night, but could do nothing to influence the Sun's rise.

The sun rose eventually when it did.

And maybe there's the other lesson : that it didn't matter what you did in the night ...... the sun would rise

when it would.

So now in the depths of depression, I can wallow and be blue, or I can attempt to rise above my misery
and what-not and be more productive, etc ..... But maybe it all doesn't matter ...... the sun will rise when it will.

Night will give way to Day no matter what you do to pass the Time.

:: The Zombie 02:58 ::

The above post, in its entirety, is not written by me, but by one of my friends who has been particularly inspirational in his writing as well as character and spirit. The intention is not to plagiarize but I am in the one who sits in the proverbial jungle now, awaiting daybreak.


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