Saturday, January 04, 2003

How many Xiaoweis do you know?

I received an odd SMS message today, from someone calling herself "effie/xiaowei".

Now, I only know one Xiaowei, so I naturally assume that Effie is the name her other friends call her. I'm outside so I don't bother much. I do update the phone list, though. When I get home, I ask Xiaowei what sort of name is Effie? I mean, it's a pretty funny name. Eff. I "eff" you up. "Eff" off. The four letter word. I guess you get the idea.

Turns out that it was a wrong number. I mean, what are the chances of that happening? Perhaps with an English name, some John, Alvin or whatever you'd get a handful. I personally know 5 Alvins. But a Mandarin name? Really weird. Perhaps I will buy 4D or something. Perhaps its meaningful. Wait and see.


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