Sunday, October 27, 2002

Sometimes you just slip up. Make the mistake. But when I think back upon it, did I make a mistake?

Maybe not.

Last night I let slip some of my irritation about a turn of events which I wasn't agreeable about, but given the circumstances there wasn't much choice but to compromise. And offended someone I hold dear to my heart. Of course, a decision had to be made, and I made it, literally on my feet, and in situations like that I tend to make curt replies and such. Obviously not good in phone etiquette.

I'd never want to be known as a facetitious person, nor a hypocrite. Feedback might not always be nice, and this time it wasn't. My feedback ruffled enough feathers it was highlighted back to me. In a way, I'm glad. the truth may hurt, but it is better than putting on a false front.

I don't look upon myself losing ground by showing who and what I really am; rather we've gained a better mutual understanding of each other's differences.

That's the silver lining in this grey cloud.


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