Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Hours of looking at html script and picking out obscure words and faffing with table spacings leaves me a programming wreck. Times like this I am glad I did not stick out in Computer Studies, becoming one of dozens of programmers glued to screens looking at endless lines of code looking for one single misplaced character. What a miserable existence.

Had a very enjoyable lunch today, but what happened afterward I could've kicked myself for not cooking up some excuse to head into town. Had some stuff to do there anyway, and Gerard was itching for a coffee. Things would've fallen nicely into place. In any case, Totto Chan, the little girl at the window, is proving to be an unexpectedly good read, very vividly described, with an air of innocence which I hope the Japanese to English translation brought across accurately. I could almost see the relationship between the book and its owner.......

Maybe next time.


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