Friday, September 06, 2002

Its Friday evening - excellent. I think other people need the weekend more than me, I'm enjoying it all the same.

As I wait for dinner, here are some random ramblings:

I was going to say Thank God its Friday, but then that has some religious connotations. I'm not a religious person. My army dogtags state that I am a Buddhist. I put that down in my particulars because my parents are Buddhists. I don't subscribe to a particular religion, I'm not an atheist, either. I do believe that there is a God. Just not the one that you the reader might believe in.

I've been brought up on joss sticks, temple visits and offerings to the gods. Then I landed up in a Christian junior college. Over there, the only people exempt from attending Mass is Muslims. All others, Hindu, Buddhists or Taoists or whatever, have to go. Talk about religious freedom, huh?

For that one year, I'm exposed to a little slice of what it is to be a Christian. You know how sometimes the Pastor says, "If you feel God's prescence, raise your hands"? I never did feel it, even if I was waiting for a sign. I didn't shut out the preaching. I heard and I digested what was said. Then I looked at other religions. I looked at my own Buddhist religion from another view. I looked at Islam. Well basically I just shopped around. I still am.

Still without religion, but I do believe that for life to happen and develop to how it is today, the probability of that happening from random atoms is about the same as you tossing Lego bricks into a box, shaking it, and getting a finished model. Inifinitesimal. So there is probably a divine hand somewhere, or (here's the exciting part) aliens!

Maybe we're just a huge alien's experiment on a petri dish.......a microscopic bacterial colony to him......

I digress. It's dinnertime.


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